Thursday, October 3, 2013

     Spent today working on Seminary projects along with various other projects. Lots of irons in the fire so to speak. One of such was reading a book compiled by Nehemia Gordon's comments on the Name of Jesus. He has some good things to say. Let there be a warning go out to Christians who
read any material written by a scholar not versed in Biblical Salvation. Especially by one who is
Hebrew competent and extremely intellectual. Sometimes a loaded gun backfires. Be careful in that though someone is expert in one area it does not validate all areas. Don't move out of truth for what seems like a knowledgeable revelation of scripture. Weigh all things and validate them by the Word of God, both Old and New Covenant. Many times people are more impressed by Judaism than by the
truth of Jesus Christ. This is camouflaged  under the guise that all someone need is the Revelation that Jesus is Messiah and that every thing else is okay. Judaism of today is not the Judaism during the life and times of Jesus Christ. Babylonian practices have no place in God's House yesterday, today or forever. If it be that you hold the firm conviction that Jesus is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob then,  realize He still hates the same things He always hated.

      This is a dangerous time for the Church to guard against apostasy and an Anti-Jesus Christ Spirit. Paul, the Apostle said it was already in the world during his time. Paul left for heaven but the Anti-Christ spirit stayed here on earth and it is alive and well. Now, that is not to say much cannot be learned from someone who does not have the revelation of Jesus Christ. Math can be learned from a math teacher. Economics from an economics teacher. Much is able to be absorbed by good and various lectures. When it comes to Bible Doctrine it is best left to those who at least understand salvation. Caution must be exercised when it comes to Biblical truth as all of the Bible is true. One's view concerning the validity of truth however comes in to question when the example does not mirror the pattern left for us by Jesus and the Apostles. Some scholars are vehemently against one Biblical contradiction yet put into practice another founded by the vary group they are so set against. The proverbial strain at a knat and swallow a camel theme well come into play in such a circumstance. When carefully studied under the magnifying glass of God's Word such things come to light. Tomorrow will come soon and other projects will have to be taken care of. It is good to be busy.
In Jesus
Dana D. Klein M.Div.

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