Thursday, December 5, 2013

Origin of the Tallit

Working on a research paper of the origin of the Tallit. It is so interesting. While our ancestors donned them do we know why and when the modern day Tallit came into use and the differences? There are differences. Some Christian Hebrew Root scholars claim Jesus wore one. He would have worn the fringes on the four corners of His garment for sure as that is commanded in the law but as far as the modern day Tallit  think much study needs to go into it before certain statements are made. Is the answer for the origin of the Tallit listed here? No, maybe in the future but for now study to show yourself approved.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Gematria is Jewish Numerology or is it fortune telling that uses Judaism for a cover?

It bothers me to listen to Bible teachers begin to quote things that the Word clearly stands against. Numerology for instance is no game and is a very dangerous practice. Kabalistic teachings reinforce this practice. Be careful when you study that you do not take on things that are anti-Biblical. Just because Jews do it doesn't mean it's okay for you to veer down that path. There are Jewish Atheists for crying out loud...Sound the alarm...blow the trumpet in Sion. Cry aloud and spare not. Preach why don't you??? Gematria plays on word's numeric values. There are writings held sacred to some that claim that the Hebrew letters are the manifestation of divine energy patterns, and even that the universe's DNA is composed of Hebrew letters. Does it even dawn upon some who do this that the letters are Aramaic block script? Hello!!!! Do we have to be so hard headed and noodle brained that the Almighty has to speak to us in secret code? Can we not just read the text? What about the good old days of just obeying the Bible for what it says? Obeying the commandments just how they are written? Now we seem to need some divine fortune telling that deals in numbers to break and unlock certain codes that hold the secrets of the universe. It seems like a CSI or Science Fiction movie in action. In the old days the Lord spoke the word and the children of Israel obeyed. When they did not obey He visited them in order to set them straight. It worked back then and it works now. We don't need a secret code or a form of doctrinal theology to help us to look at the Bible in a certain way and interpret it to fit the times we live in or the lifestyle we seem most happy with. All we need is prayer and to seek to obey His commandments. The DiVinci Code was a well organized movie with a detailed plot and everything was in code but just an ups.....The Almighty doesn't have to work like that....all He has to do is say the Word.....His servants are listening.